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I am a neuro affirming, non-licensed Therapeutic Support Specialist (TSS) in the Bay Area who is dedicated to social facilitation, Floortime® & aiding children on the Autism spectrum or with other challenges of relating and communicating.



Kendra Frautnick

Therapeutic Support Specialist

Individualized Approach

Serving the East Bay and Surrounding Bay Areas



Support For

Your Child

In Home
Social Skills Groups
Kendra Frautnick, TSS provides integrated developmental support for multi-sensory disorders and challenges.
At School
One-on-one support

My work is individualized for your child.  I work independently as well as within an existing team of therapists. I implement customized therapeutic programs and social facilitation through my extensive experience and through recommendations of Speech and Language Pathologists, Behavioral Therapists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Developmental Pediatricians, Teachers, Program Supervisors and others. My work values and advocates for nuerodivergent children, teens and adults, pursuing alternative services and support to this community.